Anal appendages       

The 'claspers' at the tip of the males abdomen that are used for holding on to the female during copulation.

Antehumeral stripes    

2 thoracic marks found in some species.
Caudal lammella The rear appendages of larva that are use for movement and breathing.
Costa The front vein, which forms the leading edge of the wing.


A suspended state during development usually brought on in anticipation of climatic conditions.


Shed larval skin commonly found on reeds and rushes around highly populated ponds.
Frons The uppermost part of the front of the head.
Labium Other wise known as the 'mask' this  structure is the extendable lower part of the larval mouth that is use to catch prey.


Egg laying


Blade-like egg laying tool 


The stage immediately after hatching when the larva is still enclosed in a membrane.


A hard shield-like plate that covers the prothorax.
Pruinescence A waxy bloom that gives a blue colour to the abdomens of some species.


A usually coloured cell that is found along the leading edge of wings towards the tip.

Stadium  The stage of development between moults.  Also known as 'Instar'.
Teneral A newly emerged dragonfly.
Vulvar scale A prominent flap in species that lay eggs onto the waters surface.

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